Connecticut is the latest stop in a child custody battle that began overseas in Singapore this May. A warrant has been issued in Greenwich stemming from allegations that the husband has abducted the couple’s youngest child.
The battle between husband and wife for the custody of their children began earlier this year in Singapore, when the wife left the country with her children after an unsuccessful mediation to determine a custody arrangement. They traveled to Maine, where they stayed in a friend’s vacation home. The husband soon followed from Singapore and petitioned for custody in Maine. The petition was denied, partly due to evidence of physical abuse of the children. In the meantime, the wife had left for Greenwich and filed a complaint with the local Domestic Violence Unit, resulting in a protective order against the husband.
On Aug. 23, the husband waited until the wife had left the home. He entered, according to the wife’s attorney, and took the youngest of the five children by force. The other children managed to escape. The Greenwich Police Department is currently searching for the child. A lieutenant reports that a warrant capable of extradition has been sought against the husband due to his violation of the existing restraining order. The husband’s attorney has denied any wrongdoing. The husband is attempting to have all of the children returned to him under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction in a New York lawsuit alleging the abduction of the children by the wife.
Disputes over child custody can be difficult and full of emotional trauma. The help of an attorney who is experienced in custody and child support cases may be useful in resolving disputes over parental custodial rights in the best interests of the child.
Source: Greenwich Time, “International custody battle lands in Greenwich“, Justin Pottle, August 26, 2013