Baseball fans as well as Connecticut residents who are currently involved with divorce issues may be interested to learn about a family law case currently in the news. Robinson Cano of the New York Yankees is in the process of being sued for child support.
In Sept. 2013, the mother of Cano’s 3-year-old son filed a claim for support in the Dominican Republic, the home country for both Cano and the boy’s mother. Reportedly, the two have been a couple for the last three years.
According to the mother’s claims, Cano sends money for the child only sporadically and without warning. She further claims that, apparently due to lack of financial support, the child is forced to sleep in an awkward 3 by 6 foot crib located amidst crowded conditions. Cano replied in a statement released by his publicist that he has been paying a stipend according to the terms of a mutual agreement.
Couples who have children can face many difficult decisions if they decide not to stay together. One such issue could be child support and another could be child custody. A couple may choose to attempt to resolve those issues by means of an agreement. At other times, they may end up in court.
Child support and custody matters often prove to be difficult to reconcile. A parent facing such issues may wish to speak to an attorney experienced in family law matters. The attorney, after taking into consideration the best interests of the child, may be able to propose an agreement that is acceptable to both parents and may also be found acceptable to the court.
Source: MSN FOX Sports, “Cano in ugly child-support case“, Nick Creegan, October 04, 2013