During a divorce, both parents have equal custody rights until the court decides who becomes the primary custodian. Every state has child custody laws, and couples in Shelton should understand this when considering what will happen to their children after divorce.
According to an article in the Guardian, fathers feel like they get disadvantaged when it comes to child custody cases. Mostly, they give up so early because they have a preconceived perception that the court is gender-biased. However, they can practice the following in their fight for equal custody rights.
Avoid negative energy
One thing every father should not do when claiming custody is to encourage negative energy. Anything contrary can frustrate their efforts to fighting for their rights and make them give up. As stated in the Pew Survey, mothers win 82% of child custody cases, but that does not mean men should be hopeless.
Have their finances in check
Other fathers give up too early because they do not want to spend money fighting for their parental rights. They must prove that they can take care of the children if given custody, and to do this, questions regarding finances will arise.
Document all the events
When parents can no longer get into good terms, the mother may deny the father the rights to see the children. It is a good ground for fighting a custody battle. Fathers should note down all the events where the other party interfered with their parental rights.
One thing a father can do to win custody rights is to stay true to their words and avoid any compromises that might complicate the situation.